La inversión en criptoactivos no está regulada, puede no ser adecuada para inversores minoristas y perderse la totalidad del importe invertido. Es importante leer y comprender los riesgos de esta inversión que se explican detalladamente en esta ubicación.
Over a decade of experience in crypto, deeptech & digital assets as a founder, advisor, business director and investor, pioneering the creation and management of tech ventures and corporate innovation initiatives worldwide.High specialization in banking, financial services, sustainability and energy transition as an entrepreneur, researcher, teacher and advisor in over 10 Business Schools.Co-author of the best-seller “Blockchain: La Revolución Industrial de Internet”(Planeta, Ed. Deusto, +10 editions), Leader in Circular Economy by the Advanced Leadership Foundation (ALF) & partner of positive impact initiatives such as Bosquia, the largest Spanish reforestation platform.