La inversión en criptoactivos no está regulada, puede no ser adecuada para inversores minoristas y perderse la totalidad del importe invertido. Es importante leer y comprender los riesgos de esta inversión que se explican detalladamente en esta ubicación.
John Murillo has been holding the position of the Chief Dealing Officer at B2Broker for more than 5 years. During that time he was able to implement the best market practices into the business processes and introduce core approaches to the liquidity part of business. Among other tasks, he is responsible with overseeing and development of the Dealing Team, Tech support, Engineering, and Client relations. Mr. Murillo is a well-recognized financial markets expert with more than 20+ years of experience in this industry. Throughout his career, John has held various senior positions at financial institutions worldwide which has given him a wealth of knowledge and extensive experience, including risk management and financial engineering. Under his guidance, B2Broker team has built one of the best and most competitive liquidity offers within the space.