Jori Armbruster

Jori Armbruster

co-founder at @EthicHub

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Blockchain and Crypto believer, decentralization advocate. Igniting the agro fintech and multi-award winner EthicHub, who aims to disrupt the current financial lending system by creating a fair global lending system for unbanked farmers and rethink the supply chain at the same time.I have run a coffee farm in Mexico and also was CEO of an over 880 employees company with prior experience in operations, HR, and M&A to name a few.I am fully committed with Sustainable Development Goals and trying to demonstrate that Impact Investing is not only necessary but a better investment in the long term.As part of my commitment to a better future I have been speaker both in Blockchain and Impact Investing spaces at Foro Latinoamericano de Inversión de Impacto (FLII), Talent Land, Startup Olé, Open Finance CDMX, Inatba, Liscon, Daoist and many more.I am also an occasional writer and a regular panelist on radio and events.I love coffee and cacao and spend my spare time learning about new technologies and tendencies.

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