La inversión en criptoactivos no está regulada, puede no ser adecuada para inversores minoristas y perderse la totalidad del importe invertido. Es importante leer y comprender los riesgos de esta inversión que se explican detalladamente en esta ubicación.
On Yavin is a serial entrepreneur, lawyer, and angel investor. Over the years he has established and built several successful companies, and invested in and mentored many others. In 2017, he joined the blockchain industry with the founding of Cointelligence. Since then, through Cointelligence he has provided the industry with valuable research and education. At the start of 2021 he launched Cointelligence Fund, an early stage venture capital crypto fund focused on the metaverse and blockchain based games, where he serves as Managing Partner. In 2023, On co-founded Syndika, a premier Web3 and AI syndicate, with full-scale capabilities to support startups, corporates, and initiatives.